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Welcome to World Wide Backgrounds<br>Investigative background checks and tenant screening services
We are living in a complex and dangerous world. The risks we face are expanding, not contracting. Our clients want to provide their employees with a safe and secure work place. Any effective security program will be multifaceted. One important aspect or facet of a total security program is to conduct regular pre-employment screening.
   Services offered by World Wide Backgrounds
bullet Federal, Statewide or County level criminal record background checks
bullet Tenant screening
bullet Care-giver backgrounds and nanny screening
bullet Employment and Education verification
bullet Social Security Number trace/verification
bullet Consumer Credit report
bullet Global Security Search
bullet Motor vehicle driving record Search
bullet Civil records litigations search
bullet FACIS Search
bullet Office of Inspector General Searches (OIG)
bullet Excluded Parties List System (EPLS)
bullet FAA License Verification
bullet California Workers Compensation Searches
bullet International criminal and civil investigations
bullet Nationwide Criminal Index Searches
bullet Notary Signing Agent Backgrounds
bullet Professional Reference Checks
bullet Now Offering LIVE SCAN Fingerprint Services
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  PBSA Founding Member

Creative Security Company, Inc. (Parent company of World Wide Backgrounds) is one of the founding members of the Professional Background Screeners Association (PBSA). The PBSA was originally founded in 2003 as the NAPBS, a non-profit trade association, and was formed to help facilitate background companies in adopting professional standards, ethics and codes of conduct in the background screening industry. The PBSA serves to represent the interest of companies offering employment and background screening. The PBSA offers an opportunity for qualified companies to participate in shaping the body of knowledge and regulations impacting our futures.

Service Quick Links
LiveScan Live Scan
Need a DOJ Live Scan provider?
New Hire Screening New Hires
What is your new hire's education?
Tennant Screening Tenants
Do they have a good credit history?
Care Giver Screening Nanny/Child Care
What is the history of your care giver?
Personal Screening Dating?
What do you know about your date?

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Private Investigator # 26361