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Nanny, Babysitter and Care Giver Screening

Children are our most precious commodity. We'll go to any lengths to protect them. World Wide Backgrounds not only offers background checks for potential roommates or tenants, but for potential day care providers as well.

Currently criminal background checks for day care providers in the state of California are conducted (by law) by the California Dept of Justice.

The results of those criminal background checks are then sent to Social Services for evaluation. If the prospective daycare employee has a criminal record, and the record found does not relate directly to the job, it will not be reported to you.

Wouldn't you like to know everything on record that your prospective child's guardian may have. For example; crimes like fighting, and drunk in public will not appear on the final DOJ report. World Wide Backgrounds can research a potential baby sitter, daycare provider and also those who run home daycare centers. We then provide you with a quick, confidential and accurate report delivered to you with 1 to 2 business days. Don't take chances on your children's welfare.

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New Hire Screening New Hires
What is your new hire's education?
Tennant Screening Tenants
Do they have a good credit history?
Care Giver Screening Nanny/Child Care
What is the history of your care giver?
Personal Screening Dating?
What do you know about your date?

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Private Investigator # 26361