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Tenant Screening, Credit Report & Reference Checks
For landlords, tenant screening is a virtual necessity. It is important to know before entering into a lease if the tenant has the financial resources to pay the rent and has a background consistent with being a responsible tenant. We develop a comprehensive, innovative security program that enables effective background check & screening of a tenant using the social security number trace. We can verify the persons SSN as well as search the counties and prior residences where their SSN has been used. We can create a unique package that will not only fit your budget, but provide you with a comprehensive background history of your prospective tenant and/or roommate.

We offer a wide variety of tenant screening services including:

bullet Criminal Records Check
bullet Civil Litigation Records Check
bullet Employment Verification
bullet Consumer Credit Report
bullet Motor Vehicle Driving Record
bullet References - personal and professional
bullet Sex Offender/Predator Registry Check

Click Here For our three most popular tenant screening packages.

You will need to have your tenant / applicant complete the Tenant Release form before the background can be started.

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New Hire Screening New Hires
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Tennant Screening Tenants
Do they have a good credit history?
Care Giver Screening Nanny/Child Care
What is the history of your care giver?
Personal Screening Dating?
What do you know about your date?

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Private Investigator # 26361